
Do I have HIV infection

Dr LM Nath
Consultant, Community Medicine,
New Delhi

Q: About six months ago I had asked a question on HIV infection which was answered by your expert Dr. LM Nath of WHO. I was very much satisfied by that answer which gave me a fresh lease of life. Briefly my question was I had an act of sex with a call girl using latex condom (only once in life time) and got my blood checked after six months of exposure in Apollo Hospital, Chennai which was negative. To make doubly sure I also got my blood test done in a Govt. Hospital recognised by the NACO, Govt. of India. The result this time also was negative. I would like to mention here that the hygienic condition in that Govt. Hospital were very bad by all standards. I only went there on the advice of close friend. Now my question is, can I have HIV infection by getting the blood test done in a sub-standard hospital. I may mention here that a new needle was being used for taking the blood out of vein and each time a piece of cotton from the swab filled with spirit was being kept at the veinpuncutre place. Can I have HIV infection by getting this test done in a sub standard hospital. I am asking this question because my throat is continuously sore and I am getting fever for the last two-three days. My wife feels same way. Presently, I am in Baltimore, USA (I came here on 13th August) on a business trip and it is 12 in the night that I am e-mailing you. Before this I was in Delhi for about one month. Can Dr. LM Nath once again give answer to my this question. I will leave for London tomorrow night. Hence this request.

A:Given the conditions you have described, a fresh needle used with aseptic precautions and presumably either a sterilised syringe or a new disposable one, there is no chance that you were infected at the hospital, even one with otherwise poor standards. Please remember a sore throat with body ache can be caused by flu or a common cold or even other conditions. This has nothing to do with HIV. Do not concern yourself. If you have not been exposed again, you are NOT infected. Relax , enjoy your trip and treat your sore throat etc. as would anyone. Relax, and continue to avoid infection.