
Do I have caries?

Dr Vijay Mathur
Senior Research Officer,
Department of Dental Surgery,
New Delhi

Q: I am 44 years old and diabetic. I have some infection in my gums and have developed some deep cavities between the molars of the upper and lower left side, I was treated with zenflox oz 200 bd for 7 days and tab fullaid od. but the infection has not subsided. The pain is so severe that I have to stay on pain killers. I am in favour of extraction but the doctor treating me says that RCT is the only option I have. Please suggest if I should get it extracted.

A:It is apparent from the history that you probably have caries in teeth which has reached to the pulp of the tooth. Still an X ray can confirm that. If this is right then the better option is to go for RCT. In case you do not want to keep the tooth you can get it extracted. Normally all dental surgeons will try to retain natural teeth by RCT since the artificial replacement can not be as good as natural.