
Do I have B12 deficiency?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I am a 40 years old man. I used to have regular constipation and mucus coming in stools making it difficult to pass. First diagnosis was lactose intolerance. Even after stopping milk and all milk products, I did not have relief. It was diagnosed that my B12 levels are very low about 100 only. So I was asked to take Vitcofal injections which helped to some extent. However after taking 15 injections (twice a week) when I got checked again I found the level to 123 only. Does that mean I have a problem storing B12? Since I can't take milk, fish and eggs, what are other sources of B12? Looks like I have malabsorption of food also. Many times I feel heavy after meals and food does not seem to get digested well. What should I do to avoid mucus? I tried Soya milk and curd but they also create problems like mucus and constipation.

A:There is a lot of discrepancy between your symptoms and the lab results. Lactose intolerance causes diarrhoea and abdominal cramps but not constipation. Also, malabsorption should not be associated with constipation. Moreover, your B12 levels have not changed much despite taking a rather high dose of injectable vitamin B12 (injectable B12 is not affected by malabsorption). In view of all this I suggest you consult a trained gastroenterologist (DM) in your area.