
Do I have acne on my scalp?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: I am 27 years old and have acne on my scalp for about 7 years now. The pimples are of 2 types - small with pus which can be seen (these I pop as they tend to heal faster and combing of hair becomes easier); and biggish, which seem deep rooted, they are like hard bumps, which become reddish after a few days. These are the painful ones. Now some of these have started appearing on my forehead. I have visited a couple of dermatologists and have been regular with their prescriptions. The effects have been positive for a short duration, after which I stop the intake of the prescribed antibiotics. After stopping medications, the old condition comes back. I have changed shampoos but can't pinpoint whether it makes the condition worse or better.

A:Acne does not occur on the scalp. The commonest site for acne is face, trunk and proximal upper arms. Probably your condition is different one and may be of some kind of follicular pathology affecting scalp. It can be a simple condition such as folliculitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, furunculosis, or more difficult conditions such as folliculitis decalvans, tinea capitis, dissecting cellulitis, etc. Unless you are physically seen by a dermatologist, it is difficult to pinpoint the diagnosis and thus suggest any kind of treatment.