
Do I have a serious neurological problem?

Dr Debashish Chowdhury
Professor of Neurology,
GB Pant Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I have undergone bypass surgery last month after I found that I had lost power in my left leg. The doctor told me that I have a foot drop problem. After 15 days, I recovered some power but facing left backside lower leg low sensation and burning itching (pain and/or numbness) sensation on the upper part of the leg foot. I cannot wear chappals or sport shoes because of this. I underwent MNC & SNC and the test repot is - The nerve conduction study shows evidence of bilateral mild sensonary neuropathy in the lower limb and left peroneal neuropathy. I am taking Gabapentin 300 mg, Nerv-up and vitamin C but there is no improvement. What to do now?

A:Your case history suggests that you have got left common peroneal nerve palsy along with mild sensory polyneuropathy. The left common peroneal palsy can happen due to pressure on this superficial nerve due to multiple reasons including prolonged posture maintained during operation. If it is due to that, it usually recovers after awhile on supportive treatment and physiotherapy. The pain/tingling sensations will get relieved by Gabapentin (which helps in pain due to nerves) but dose that you are taking is not adequate. Detail work up for neuropathy is needed in your case. Consult a good neurologist.