
Do I have a rotator cuff injury?

Dr Neera Chadha
Senior Consultant Physiotherapist,

Q: Recently I have started having a problem with my right hand. The moment I make some backward movement of the hand I get a sharp pain. When I tap my hand, it sends pain running down my whole hand and at times it keeps on aching. I have seen two doctors - one says rotator cuff problem with nerve fibre torn and recommended physiotherapy for 8 days but not much result and second says muscle tear which will take time to heal and there is no medication except hot water fermentation and some gel to be put on. The pain is more just below the shoulder and any untoward movements gives a sharp pain. My question is whether there is any cure for this pain and how about the healing process.

A:From your symptoms, it looks like a rotator cuff injury. This takes some time to heal up. I would recommend the following:1] Try to give rest to shoulder with a sling. Use sling intermittently.2] Hot fermentation with water bag.3] Short wave diathermy, 10 sittings.4] Gentle shoulder exercises, at least 15 to 20 sittings. This can be done in a physiotherapy clinic.5] Local ultrasound 10 sittings.Wish you a speedy recovery.