
Do fibroids affect menopause?

Dr Niraj Krishnamurthy
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,
Minimal Access Surgeon
Rainbow Hospitals Hyderabad, India.

Q: My 48 years old mother is having irregular and heavy menses. After performing a scan we came to know that she has a fibroid in her uterus. Is it necessary to undergo hysterectomy and remove the uterus? Or will the bleeding stop with menopause? Do fibroids affect menopause?

A:Fibroids do not bleed after menopause. Once your mother goes through the menopause, the bleeding should completely stop. Fibroids do not have any effect on when one attains menopause i.e. it does not delay menopause.

If the bleeding is heavy, she can take some medication to reduce the amount of blood flow, which her doctor can prescribe.

However, if the bleeding is very heavy and is not being controlled by medications, she might as well have a hysterectomy.