
Do double Jacket stents cause pain and irritation?

Mahendra Bhandari
Professor of Urology, Director Clinical Research,
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: I have been put on a double Jacket stent one month before removing a stone from the upper ureter. I have 2 more stones measuring 8 mm and 10 mm in the kidney. For the last few days I have been getting pain in the back if I stand for an hour and my urine is pinkish in colour. If I take rest the pain reduces. What I should do now? Should I remove the double jacket as I feel this may be touching somewhere inside and causing pain.

A:Well, yes, sometimes double J stent could move down and cause irritation in the bladder. It depends upon the decision your urologist makes, which in turn would depend upon the site of stones. If they are 10 mm in size some thing will have to be done to remove them. In case they are in the ureter easiest would be remove them ureteroscopically and get rid of the stent or need be replace the stent.