dislike food
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: I have been blessed with a female child on 16.2.2001 (about 16 months back)in a little bit premature period(about eight and a half months) with about 2.200 kg of weight. Now, she does not wish to take any type of meal whether liquid or soid except breastfeeding from about 10 days before till date. Previously, she was taking only Dalia, egg, ice cream and breastfeed interestingly and she has taken this after five or six months age. After four months of her birth she was taking Farex and continued this meal upto one years age, now she is not taking interest in this too nor in Junior Horlicks. Now, the current problem is that she is not taking meal of anytype except meal and gradually becoming weak. please suggest us something better for her health.
A:You need to slowly stop breast feeding and encourage the child to eat food that is cooked routinely in the house. The food needs to be only mashed witha fork. She will soon develop an interest in food when she is hungry, asbreast feeding decreases.