
Did I suffer from Chikungunya fever?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 46 years old male having pain in my right wrist and lower side of left palm for the last few days. Last month, I had fever for a week. I took Mahacef OZ, Bravia D and Picpro, two tablets daily for five days. My temperature came to normal after five days but I had weakness and was depressed for a few days. Now, regarding my wrist and palm pain, I consulted a doctor and got my uric acid checked. My uric acid is a little high – 6.7 and I am taking Thyronorm, Glucobay, Wallaphase, Windia and Diamicron for it. But the pain still persists. My doctor has now told me that I had Chikungunya and it would take time for the pain to go and there no medicines for it. Has he diagnosed my problem correctly?

A:Fever is not a disease but a symptom. It is necessary to diagnose the cause of fever before giving any medicines. For example, if the fever is due to a viral infection such as Chikungunya virus, then except for Crocin (paracetamol) to bring down fever and relieve pain, no other medicine is required. Your medication shows that you were given Mahacef OZ which contains two drugs namely cefixime (used in infections due to bacteria) and ordinazole (infection due to amoeba). Scientifically, this is an irrational combination that is not permitted to be sold in any advanced country. Bravia D also contains two medicines namely rabeprazole (for acidity) and domperidone (for nausea). Picpro is a sort of vitamin and has no specific role. If indeed you suffered from Chikungunya, then medicines given to you were not required and may have caused side effects. If the diagnosis of Chikungunya is correct, then aches and pains will go away in due course.