
Diabetes - reduce medication

Dr Eesh bhatia
Professor in Endocrinology,
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow

Q: I am advised Glycotop 10 mg for Diabetes 1 tablet everyday. Now I do not have any problems. I am 34 years old. I do regular walking of about 5 kms daily. Can I reduce my medication?

A:You should consult your physician before reducing dosage of medications. Usually if the blood sugar remains in good control (F<110 mg%, PP < 160 mg%) you could consider reducing the doses. However, it is important to subsequently check the blood sugar, to ensure that it is not rising.

Another situation in which it is important to consider reducing the doses of medicines is if you are having symptoms of hypoglycaemia, while on your usual diet and exercise schedule. Finally, you should check your haemoglobin A1c (a measure of blood glucose over the past 3 months) and if it is in the normal range (usually 4-6%) you may consider to reduce the doses of drugs.