
Contraceptive pills

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am feeding my 6 month old baby and would like to know if contraceptive pills would have any side-effects in my case.

A:Oral contraceptive pills (OCs) do cause many side effects. OCs can be combined oestrogen-progestogen or single progestogen pills. In India, mostly people take combined oestrogen-progestogen pills. Combined OCs can diminish the quantity and quality of milk of the breast feeding mother. Small quantities of hormones do pass into the milk. Its effect on infants have not yet been determined. Generally speaking if your child is six months or older, you can use combined OCs, though it would be preferable to use non-hormonal barrier methods such as condoms. Progestogen-only pills do not have any effect on lactation.