
ciggrete smoking

Dr Irwin Ziment
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

Q: If a person has tuberculosis which has been cured and the doctor said that it had been due to ciggrettes. But now the images from the lungs have gone and it is completely cured. If ciggrete smoking is continued and it occurs again. Then is it incurable? the first time the patient had recovered from the final stages of tuberculosis as per the doctor. And if it does not reccur then are there any chances of it reccuring due to smoking?what precautions have u to take to prevent tuberculosis from striking again?

A:Tuberculosis can be cured (with about 90% certainty) by appropriate drug therapy administered reliably over periods lasting from 6 to 24 months, depending on the severity of the illness. Cigarette smoking does not cause tuberculosis, but the toxins in the smoke damage the lungs and make it more susceptible to many infections, including certain forms of atypical tuberculosis. Although smoking is unlikely to make the re-occurrence of tuberculosis a concern, the damage that tobacco can cause in a lung already damaged by infection could be a serious danger. To protect damaged lungs from any further harm, smoking should certainly not be allowed. No smoking is the best advice.