
Children - height retardation

Dr Arvind Taneja

Q: I am 14 years old and my height is only 134 cms. I am also prone to regular cough and cold. Due to this problem I get exhausted very early and do very little exercise. Further I have a hole in the right ear. I want my full check-up done and a thorough well planned treatment so that all my problems can be cured.

A:Your height of only 134 cms., at 14 years of age is certainly a matter of concern. Your lack of growth should be assessed as soon as possible by a Paediatric Endocrinologist who shall determine the cause of growth failure by checking your bone age, thyroid function, growth hormone levels in your body etc. The hole in the ear can be fixed by an ENT surgeon by an operative procedure called Tympanoplasty. Please do contact a good paediatrician immediately.