
Child - problem in studies

Dr Renu Kishore
Reader, Department of Psychology,
Daulat Ram College,
Delhi University

Q: In the year 2000 we shifted to IIT Delhi from Ghaziabad. My elder 14 years son was admitted to a nearby public school in class tenth. He somehow could clear his tenth board exam. In the mean time he had started visiting the IIT library had access to higher level books and interaction with some professors. As a result instead of studying at home he started going to library read only one subject that is Physics and spend almost eight hours there. The present status is he does not study any other subject and hence failed in class 11th exams. He irritates his teachers by claiming that he can prove wrong some of the theories etc. We are unable to make him understand and thus need services/ help of a counsellor.

A:Your son is definitely very intelligent but has lost focus in life. It is necessary to get him to see a counsellor on a one-to-one basis. You could consult any well-known counsellor or maybe his school counsellor. In the meantime, you as parents could try to keep communication channels open. Instead of scolding,comparing or criticizing him,you could try to talk to him on an adult level. In fact,he may be a great scientist in the making, but definitely needs the right kind of guidance, supervision and channelising of his intelligence and curiosity.