
Can there be problems in pregnancy if the mother is Rh negative?

Dr Ambika Nanu
Additional Professor & Head,
Department of Transfusion Medicine,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 28y male while my wife is 25y. She is 4 months pregnant. My blood group is A+ve while my wife is B-ve. Currently my wife's weight is 54kgs and recently the doctor told her that she has less blood. My question is if the child is born with blood group as A+ve are there any health problems for the child? Please tell me whether there will be any health problems for the child in future?

A:Normally there should not be any problems with the first pregnancy (provided there have not been miscarriage/abortion) when mother is Rh negative andbaby is Rh positive. However, your wife must be looked after by a qualified woman specialist who can do all the necessary tests and follow up the pregnancyso that your wife has a normal course and a healthy baby. This will also include correcting deficiency in blood.