Can the heart rate monitor or a cell phone affect pregnancy?
Founder Chairperson, Spastics Society of India,
Q: I am 16 weeks pregnant and have some concerns about using a heart rate monitor. I have been using it all through my pregnancy to monitor myself while exercising. The company told me that it is very safe and uses a weak radio signal. It does however have 3-volt lithium battery in the belt placed under your chest and 5KHZ wave frequency. I am so worried about placing my child at an increased risk for autism. I also use a cell phone, which I have read, can put the child at an increased risk. I am not using my cell phone or heart rate monitor anymore. Have I already put my child at risk?
A:With my limited knowledge I can assure you that use of a cell phone and heart rate monitor has one in a ten thousand chance of causing autism in an unborn baby and since you have discontinued the same, you have nothing to worry about. In case of autism, in 9/10 times the professionals are unable to give you information about the cause behind it. Be positive and be happy and enjoy your pregnancy.