
Can supplements of Vitamin E, Vitamin C and iron be taken together?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: Can vitamin E capsules be taken along with iron capsules and vitamin C? If not together then can one be taken in the morning and the other in the evening?

A:You have not given any reason for taking Vitamin E, iron and Vitamin C supplements. In any case unless there is documented deficiency, these supplements are not required; they can even be harmful. For instance excessive consumption of Vitamin E can lead to diarrhoea, intestinal pain, lethargy and muscle weakness. The daily requirement of vitamin E is less than 15 mg which is available from normal food. Most commercial preparations contain 100 to 600 mg and hence lead to overvitaminosis.Vitamin E reduces the efficacy of iron when taken concurrently irrespective of the timing.