
Can steroids creams be used for treating eczema?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 27 years old male with dry, red patches all over my body, particular on back, thighs and lower abdomen. I have been diagnosed with eczema. I use propysalic acid NF for 3-4 days every time I get these rashes. This treats the itching but leaves behind brown marks. Can I use the propysalic acid NF along liquid parafifin wax? Should I get a biopsy done?

A:Besides eczema, there are other conditions which will get better with the application of steroid creams. Even these can leave pigmentation when they resolve. In some cases biopsy will certainly help in making a diagnosis. Further, it is important to select the most representative lesion, for the biopsy, otherwise the histopathology also maybe inconclusive. Prognosis varies with the disease. Let your Dermatologist decide whether a biopsy is required or not.