Can repeated courses of antibiotics affect one's health?
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
Q: I have been operated 8 times in the last 9 years for bone grafting since my leg had got injured in a road accident and there were severe burn injuries 7 years back. My query is about the treatment with antibiotics. I have been taking antibiotics for the last 7 years under medical supervision. My main problem is with the side effects of antibiotics. It is often said that antibiotics kill normal healthy flora of the body, which results in adverse effects like diarrhoeas and superinfection. Does alteration in normal human flora effect the health?
A:Repeated courses of antibiotics can cause alteration in the body's normal bacterial flora. To reduce adverse consequences and thereby reduce the risk of superinfections one should wait several weeks between each course and take pro-biotics such as lactobacillus or fresh yogurt.