
Can physio dynamic treatment help restore vision loss due to haemorrhage?

Dr Rishi Mohan
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My wife is 36 years old. She has myopia with nearly -15 number in both the eyes. Recently, her vision in the left eye has reduced, which has been diagnosed due to choroidal haemorrhage after an angiography of her left eye. A physiodynamic treatment has been recommended. How successful is this treatment and will treatment with PDT give better vision after treatment then TTD treatment?

A:Patients with high myopias (>-6D) are prone to develop central retinal haemorrhage. Laser treatments (PDT or TTT) generally do not restore the central vision. Both are fairly new treatments and issue of which being better is yet to be settled. Laser (PDT or TTT) treatments help to prevent the spread of the scotoma (central dark spot).