
Can penile curvature due to an accident be cured?

Prof Anthony Redmond
Professor of Emergency Medicine,
Keele University, Staffordshire,

Q: I am a businessman in Dubai. A year ago I met with an accident in which I got hit on my urinary portion and had pain. I didn't go for any treatment but as months passed I naturally got sexual feelings. When I saw my erection, I was shocked as it was bent and not straight. I am afraid and worried about this. Please help.

A:Curvature of the erect penis can occur naturally and is called Peyronie's disease. It can occur naturally and is due to a thickening of the tissues on one side of the penis. It can also follow injury when scar tissue forms and pulls the penis over to that side when erect. It is not harmful. It does not affect fertility - you can still produce children. If it is not affecting your ability to achieve and maintain an erection and is not so curved it prevents intercourse then most doctors would advise no treatment. If treatment is required it is in the form of surgery. This must only be carried out by a fully trained specialist in genitourinary surgery and by someone who specialises in this condition.