
Can one get osteoporosis if only one ovary is functioning?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: My 40 years old sister was suffering from ovarian cyst 5 years back. She underwent surgery and one ovary was removed. Doctors left one ovary so that oesterogen hormone could be generated. What are the tests to confirm proper functioning of one ovary? Is she at risk of developing osteoporosis? She also suffers from hypothyrodism.

A:There are hormonal tests (FSH and LH) to determine the functioning of ovaries. It is said that, all women will eventually have menopause, and are at risk for osteoporosis. The most prudent thing to do is to take enough calcium (1200-1500 mg per day), and do some sort of aerobic exercises every day (walking is the best and safest).There is also the option of bone density testing. If her bone density is low, she will need to be on some bone strengthening agent in addition to the calcium. If there is a family history of osteoporosis, then she is at a higher risk of developing it too.