
Can my wife have a healthy baby after three miscarriages?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: My 30 years old wife has faced three miscarriages. On the first account, the fetus died a day after the confirmation of pregnancy. She was diagnosed to have torch infection. Second time, we had to abort the baby due to excessive bleeding. The third time the doctor suggested MTP because of no foetus growth. We would like to have a child of our own. How do we proceed now?

A:There are several cases like yours, and they do ultimately have a normal child with good obstetric care under a specialist in more than 60-70% of cases. Your wife needs to undergo the battery of tests to find the cause of repeated losses including tests like APL/ACL antibodies, karyotyping, and ultrasound to look for uterine defects. A serum progesterone level on the 21st day of the menstrual cycle and tests to rule out any infection in the urinary or genital system also need to be done. Hormone tests for thyroid may also be needed. Once the cause is found, appropriate treatment can be given for conceiving after the uterus is stable, and care during the pregnancy with support in the first three months, of medicines like progesterone suppositories/injections, or HCG injections, adequate rest, avoiding weights and coitus all help, along with good psychological support from family and friends and also a psychologist, help carry the pregnancy through with very good outcome.