
Can my autistic son be a part of the mainstream?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My 9 years old son was diagnosed autistic at the age of three. There was a lot of improvement in his condition through GFCF Diet and Vit B-6 supplements. We have got him admitted in a regular school. Though he had some difficulties in the beginning, he was able to catch up. At present, he is in class four. He appears to be normal to others but we know that he lacks attention, focus and is thereby lagging behind others. He is unable to make friends and wants to remain alone. Are there any vitamin supplements or some medication which can help him? Please suggest something that will help me make my son a part of the mainstream.

A:Your child is already in the mainstream. He attends a regular school and appears normal to others, you say. I think he has come a long way. By attending to his condition early, you have helped him to integrate with the regular stream. Let him be the kind of person he wants to be. Do not decide in your mind about what he should be like and then become unhappy when he is different. If you go to the archives of this website (doctors @ndtv) you will find quite a lot of information about autism. Find out if he has some special interests (for example music, painting) and help him to develop those. Check with his doctor and the person who diagnosed his autism about his progress. I am sure they can help in some way.