
Can just one intercourse transmit infection from an HIV infected person?

Q: I am a 29 years old male and had sex with a sex worker a month back. During the act, the condom broke. After a few days of exposure, I developed itchy, red spots on my back, face and arms and sores in my mouth. Does this indicate that I have AIDS? Can just one intercourse transmit infection? I feel the world has ended for me and my family. What should I do?

A:You can't reverse whatever has happened but surely can take a lesson not to repeat this mistake. As regards your queries, the answers are as under: 1. Just get an ELISA test for HIV done from a good lab.2. One can't say whether you are HIV infected or not by these symptoms.3. Yes, even one intercourse can transmit infection from an HIV infected person, but the risk is very low.Please don't feel so ashamed or guilty because even - by chance - you have HIV infection, that is not the end of the world. These days, HIV infection can be managed very well and one can lead a long, healthy life.Please don't get into negative thinking. Do speak to an HIV Counsellor in person. You may visit an Integrated Counselling & Testing Centre (ICTC) in a medical college or district hospital close to your home.