
Can I travel during pregnancy?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am a 28 years old working-woman. I am in the 18th week of pregnancy and my due date is after 4 months. Since my work place is very far from my house, I have to travel 30 km one side on daily basis. Though I travel carefully, I still feels discomfort at the end of the day, my stomach pains and I cannot sit for a long time. Please let me know if this kind of travelling on a daily basis will lead to any miscarriage.

A:If the pregnancy is uncomplicated and all is well, no other disease condition like High BP, or anaemia or heart disease, or urinary infection, fevers etc, all should stay well. However, if there are symptoms of pain with contractions of uterus - felt like hardening off and on, it is not advisable to travel daily, as premature pains can start, in some patients. The decision will ultimately rest with you, depending on degree of discomfort and pain that you have. If it is just mild discomfort, then some medications are also available like isoxuprine, but that can be taken for 10-15 days, to prevent contraction pain. The decision depends upon your physical condition, contractions and ability to take the stress of travel versus your need to work.