
Can I remove fibroids to facilitate pregnancy?

Dr Abha Majumdar
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am diagnosed with subserosal fibroids and PCOD three months back and currently I am on medication Metformin. Also 3 months back I had irregular and heavy menses. However, after taking metformin the menses have become regular. My gynaecologist has advised there is no need to touch the fibroids since they may influence the pregnancy. I am 29 years old, married and would like to start family in 6 months. I am overweight and as per dietician’s advice have started diet plan and daily brisk walking. However, I am experiencing lower abdominal pain since last several months. I was suggested tablet Oflin TZ, Normaxin and Nixide for a week and that has not helped. Hence my gynaecologist has advised laparoscopy. Kindly advise if there is any other alternative to laparoscopy and whether it will have any effect on conceiving? Can lower abdominal pain be treated with any other antibiotics? Should I seek a second opinion?

A:Your gynaecologist has given you the right suggestion that the fibroids need not be touched and metformin will help you in re-establishing normal ovulation as well as weight loss. This treatment alone may be good enough for you to achieve a pregnancy. However, laparoscopy may be a good option to rule out any associated problem apart from fibroids such as tubal blocks or endometriosis.