
Can I plan a pregnancy if I am positive for toxoplasmosis?

Dr Abha Majumdar
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I had a miscarriage a year ago, when I was 3 months pregnant; reason unknown. Before getting pregnant again, I did a TORCH test and found out that I was positive for: Toxoplasma IgG; Toxoplasma IgM. I was prescribed Rovamycin Forte for 60 days (3 times daily). After completing the course I repeated the test and found out that it is still positive. Why is it still positive after taking the medicine? Could my previous miscarriage be related to this? Should I go for a pregnancy if the above test is positive? When can I plan a pregnancy after I am negative for the above test?

A:A positive test for Toxoplasma only indicates that you were exposed to toxoplasma in response to which antibodies of the IgM and IgG have appeared in your system. IgM shall disappear or the titres shall start falling after treatment but IgG may persist for a long time. If the titres are not rising again of either, it is absolutely safe for you try pregnancy again. There is no need to take treatment now at all till you get pregnant.