
Can I give my one year old chicken and fish?

Q: I need to know that can mashed chicken with vegetables be given daily to 1 yr old, as i give chicken 3 times and fish two times in a week but I also want to give egg so how can I include all these in my child weekly diet, can egg and chicken be given the same day and after how many hrs of fish meal should I give milk to my child. When can I start giving juices to her, should it be given diluted with water or no? I will be going to india in a few weeks so can you suggest how to prepare chicken meal there as there from shops you dont get very clean chicken?

A:There is no harm in giving chicken to a one year old baby. You can also give egg and chicken on the same day but be sure that egg is cooked is cooked properly. If your baby can digest fish easily its ok to give it but it will be better if you check with her doctor or nurse for food allergy. Usually its not recommended to give fish and other sea food to a one year old baby. You can give diluted apple juice or cranberry-apple juice to your baby now. Some babies show problem sleeping or restlessness when they get undiluted juices. When you visit India, avoid all kinds of meat. Give more cereal based foods. Take enough supply of baby foods and cereal as it may not be easy for the baby to adapt to new foods in a new place and among new people.