
Can I get a new testicle by plastic surgery?

Dr D Surindher D.S.A
Plastic Surgeon,

Q: One of my testis (right) was removed as a result of inguinal hernia. Is it possible that another testicle is put inside by surgery? Can I get a new testis from a donor?

A:One testicle is enough for the process of reproduction. For cosmetic reasons you can have a prosthesis inserted into your scrotal sacs. This prosthesis is made of silicon and is completely safe.No, we cannot put someone else's testis into your scrotum. If in case your testis was cut because of an accident, then at that time immediately we would be able to replant the testicle usingmicro vascular techniques within 6 hours of the injury. But since your's is an old injury, the best solution would be to go in for a silicon prosthesis which can be inserted by a minor surgical procedure.