
Can I father a child?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am a 35 years old man who has undergone testicular biopsy. The report says that the testicular biopsy consist of seminiferous tubules and leydig cells. Germ cell component is markedly diminished. No evidence of spermatogenesis. Both mature and immature forms are absent. Leydig cell component appears to be normal. Conclusion: azoospermia due to absent spermatogenesis. Is there any treatment for the same? Can I father a child? Please advise.

A:Testis has two components. While Leydig cells produce testosterone, the male hormone for secondary sexual characters and erectile function, the germ cells are required for sperm formation. Not only the germ cells, even process of sperm formation through various stages is necessary to have normal sperms. Unfortunately, your testis biopsy has shown lack of germ cells. Even the process of sperm formation does not seem to be normal. Only option to have baby in such situations will be to have sperms from a donor, or to adopt a child.