Can I conceive again?
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,
Q: I am 29 years old woman and one of my fallopian tubes is blocked, only the other tube is functioning. My doctor said there are only 20% chances of conceiving. She has suggested laparoscopy to me. Currently I am taking Lodar and Colfered. Can I conceive again or not?
A:Conception can occur through one tube although chances may be reduced by about 50%, but it also depends on the condition that the other tube is normal functioning. Tubal tests are available through ultrasound as well as X-ray called HSG, which do not need anaesthesia as compared to a laparoscopy. You can decide which test to go for after discussion with the gynaecologist about the risks and benefits of each one. Sometimes conception chances improve after the tubal test, and laparoscopy is always there to fall back upon, in case conception does not occur.