
Can I conceive after treatment for endometrial tuberculosis?

Prof Shalini Rajaram
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
UCMS & GTB Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 27 years old female trying to conceive for the last two and a half years. I was diagnosed with endometrial tuberculosis. The PCR test came positive for my vaginal sample and I took continuous treatment for nine months. During the treatment I moved to London from Delhi but I completed full course of medicines. I just stopped taking medicines this month after completing 9 months but I did not get my menstrual cycle for this month. My last menstrual cycle happened two and a half months back. Does stopping medicines have any effect on my cycle? I am not feeling any symptoms of pregnancy and have checked it with a home pregnancy test. Can I conceive after treatment? Which tests should I undergo to ensure that my fallopian tubes and uterus are normal to conceive ?

A:No - stopping the medicines should not have an effect on the cycle– you have taken it for much longer than necessary – we give it for only six months now. Was endometrial tuberculosis diagnosed only from a PCR sample of vagina or was an endometrial biopsy positive for TB by histopathology and cultures? Were your periods normal before and during treatment. Tuberculosis can destroy the lining of the uterus called the endometrium, but you have to be investigated further.If the diagnosis is definitely tuberculosis it becomes difficult to conceive but don’t give up hope – see an infertility specialist soon. Two tests that can be done are hysterosalpingography and a diagnostic laparoscopy with chromotubation.