
Can I become a mother after three abortions?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am a 26 years old female who had three abortions previously with tablets. My blood, thyroid and hormone tests are normal but in the last two pregnancies, the doctor suggested to abort the child during the third month of pregnancy as the baby was not growing. Why am I suffering from incomplete pregnancy? Can I become a mother?

A:Yes you can - but first you need evaluation for the cause of repeated miscarriage and then treatment for it before planning the next pregnancy. Once treatment is done, planned pregnancy after a year on folic acid therapy should be done. Throughout the pregnancy you will need supportive and preventive care for repeated miscarriage with progesterone support or inj HCG. You will also require support from family and friends along with good antenatal care and follow-up.