
Can hypothyroidism cause irregular periods?

Dr Eesh bhatia
Professor in Endocrinology,
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow

Q: I am suffering from hypothyroidism since 12 years. I have developed cholesterol recently, though my thyroid is quite normal (0.25), but I face irregular periods. Once the dosage is increased, the next month I get periods, but only for 2 months then again I have the same problem. And I have fat accumulated under my armpit since 13 years, and I always feel tired. Please help me in getting rid of this problem.

A:If your thyroid functions are normal, it is likely that the menstrual problems are due to another illness. The commonest problem is known as polycystic ovarian disease and it is due to insulin resistance and a slight imbalance in female hormones. I would suggest you meet a qualified endocrinologist in your city for further help.