
Can haemangioma in the spine cause backache?

Dr Mathew Varghese
Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
St. Stephens Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: From the last four years my 35 years old sister is suffering from severe lower back pain and pain in both the legs. Last week her MRI of lumbo-sacral spine was taken and the observation of the report is as follows: There is loss of normal lumbar lordosis; a large haemangioma, almost involving entire L5 vertebra is detected. Diffuse posterior bulge of L5-S1 Disc; a large haemangioma involving entire L5 vertebral body. Her blood report is normal; doctors suggest two weeks rest and prescribed some medicines; Please let me know what is the meaning of the report observation. Is there any serious problem to her health? Is it curable without surgery?

A:Haemangioma of the vertebral part of the body is often an incidental finding in MRI of spine. Per se it has no significance. Occasionally however, it may be implicated as a cause of pain. The finding on MRI has no significance unless surgery is required to be done on the vertebrae. In that case, there is a possibility of severe bleeding. Otherwise, you don't need to worry at all about the diagnosis.In all probability the cause of your sisters pain is disc prolapse at L5-S1 level. 80% of pain or disc prolapse often settles with pain killers and restricted activity. There is no serious problem to her health. About 10-20% cases may need surgical intervention if the pain does not get resolved. Surgery is reasonably safe and the patient is up and about within 24-48 hours.