
Can decapeptyl injection help me conceive?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I have been married for 2 years but I am unable to conceive. After follicular study my doctor gave me an injection of Decapeptyl 0.1 mg. Is it a hormonal injection? Will there be any side effects?

A:Decapeptyl is the brand name of a medicine called triptorelin. It is a kind of hormone and is generally given to certain selected cases of women who are unable to conceive. It has other uses too.Like many other medicines, triptorelin can cause side effects such as hot flushes, mennorhagia, vaginal dryness, rash, weight gain, oedema, muscle or joint pain, temporary high blood pressure and rarely hair loss, vertigo, pain during passing of urine, headache etc. Please keep in mind that all side effects do not occur in all patients. You may even not get any side effect at all.I hope you have been made aware that while the medicine is given to patients with problem of conception, non-hormonal methods of contraception must be used during therapy.