
Can chronic anxiety leads to high blood pressure?

Ravi Singareddy, MD
Assistant Professor,
Sleep Research & Treatment Center, Department of Psychiatry,
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine,

Q: I am a 27 years of old male. I had blood pressure 140/85 mm Hg one year ago. At that time I took atenolol 25 gm for 4 months and it became normal. I am also suffering from chronic anxiety problem. I am taking Anfree for my anxiety. I want to know whether anxiety has any relationship with high blood pressure and what is the treatment of chronic anxiety?

A:Chronic anxiety causing increase in blood pressure is possible, however, scientific evidence base for this is still lacking. There are some studies indicating that chronic anxiety can increase the overall cardiovascular morbidity, however, the data to support this aspect is still not robust possibly because of lack of enough research in this area. In any case, better assessment and management of anxiety in general may help overall quality of life as well as possibly benefit in terms of occupational growth as well.

With that said there are several anxiety disorders and each of the anxiety disorder is treated somewhat differently in terms of medications as well as other kinds of treatments. Therefore I suggest that you see a psychiatrist to get a comprehensive evaluation of underlying anxiety and help you control/tolerate anxiety better.