
Can cartilage of the knees be replaced in case of arthritis?

Dr Shital Parikh
Assistant Professor, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery,
Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center,

Q: I have severe arthritis of the knees. My report says that both medial patellar compartments are affected. Is there any cartilage replacement method other than total knee replacement (TKR) and stem cell therapy? I have already tried glucosamine and nucoxia. Please suggest a treatment for quick management and rapid recovery?

A:Cartilage restoration would not work for severe or generalised arthritis. It is meant for focal cartilage loss due to trauma or other circumstances. However, if your arthritis is localised only to one compartment (medial or lateral) without involvement of the patellofemoral joint (knee cap), then high tibial osteotomy (or realignment of lower leg) procedure can be performed to unload the involved compartment. Otherwise total knee replacement would be the procedure of choice for severe generalised arthritis. Orthopaedic evaluation would be necessary to see what is best for you.