
Can blood group test show if a baby is born by IUI and donor fertilisation?

Dr Ambika Nanu
Additional Professor & Head,
Department of Transfusion Medicine,
New Delhi

Q: Doctor, I am azospermic and we had a baby by IUI and donor fertilisation. Can this be determined by checking our blood groups (mine O +ve, hers B+ & baby A+) routinely or in an emergency? What is the way around as we would like to keep this a secret?

A:From the blood groups it is easy to make out that you/one parent is not the biological parent as O positive and B positive parents cannot have an A positivebaby. In emergency situations it is very important, that where necessary, doctors get correct information. In any case these are routine medical matters for doctors and it will be kept confidential. Lay family members need not be told the different blood groups nor will they understand its implications. So do not worry.