
Can aortic stenosis be treated?

Dr OP Yadava
CEO & Chief Cardiac Surgeon,
National Heart Institute,
New Delhi

Q: My 24 years old sister is suffering from tight aortic stenosis with gradient 95 mmHg and level - 95 gradient, lbes is 77%. Can aortic stenosis be treated? Does yoga help in treating it?

A:Unfortunately aortic stenosis cannot be treated with medicines or by alternatives form of therapy like Yoga, Ayurveda or Homeopathy and the only treatment for this situation at this moment in time is replacement of the valve by open heart surgery. Percutaneous valve deployment is still in experimental stage and is not recommended, but is a treatment, which may be available in the foreseeable future, but I repeat as it stands today, aortic valve replacement through open heart surgery is the gold standard.