
Can any medicine clear the cataract?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: I am a 60 year old man, retired from a senior position in the corporate sector and my world now revolves around my PC, books and TV. I saw an ad on the Internet for NuEyes eye drops containing N-AcetylCarnosine. They claim that its use clears the cataract. Have you heard of this product and is it really effective? Also please tell me your view on homeopathic eye drops Cinneraria. Are they of any help in cataract? I had both eyes operated for cataract with phaco-emulsification and non-foldable IOL implant of plus 7 power in both eyes 6 and 5 years ago respectively. I have now been diagnosed with posterior capsule opacity. Will any of these drops or any other medicines help me avoid YAG laser procedure? If I get the laser done, will it create any other complications in the future? Also does the opening created tend to close later? How does the IOL implant keep itself clean? Does it get eroded/clouded by any deposits and how does that affect the vision? I am really worried. Please answer my questions and give me your advice.

A:There is no medical or homeopathic medicine which clears cataract. They are only money making scams. You can offer lacs of rupees but only after it has worked not just claims. YAG laser should help you in few hours and the opening will not close after that provided it has been done well. Transient complications are raised eye pressure and some problems with retina (macular oedema, detachment) but they are rare. If your vision is poor now, it is worth taking this risk. You seem to be worried unnecessarily and I am sure you will be fine provided there is no other problem with your eyes. There is no harm in using your eyes for reading, computer etc. Make sure your spectacles are up to date now or after YAG laser. Posterior capsular opacification is a known and frequent complication.