
Can a polyp cause pain?

Dr Sudeep Sodhi
Consultant Gastroenterologist,
Wisconsin, USA

Q: I am a 36 year old female who is having trouble with pain on my right side(kidney) but I have been tested for kidney stone (had 2 before) and had a ultrasound done on my gall bladder. They did find a small polyp and I will have an upper GI endoscopy done next week. I also have had a colonoscopy done and they found one polyp but it was not cancerous. Can a polyp cause a lot of pain and what can be done? I am tired of waiting to find out what is wrong. Also my upper stomach seems to swell up like I am pregnant but I am not.

A:A polyp in the gallbladder, if it blocks the opening of the gallbladder, can cause pain. I suspect that you may have irritable bowel syndrome. Discuss that with your physician. Testing Gallbladder function with HIDA scan (with ejection fraction) is helpful.