
Can a medicine be taken while fasting for blood lipid profile test?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: If a person wants to get his lipid profile test done and he takes some medicine during the fasting period of 12 hours, will it affect the result of lipid profile? I am a 48 years old man who recently got my lipid profile done but I took medicine (Alprax 2.5mg) during the fasting period of 12 hours. Is the result of the test correct?

A:Taking Alprax will not make any difference to your lipid profile. Only medications, which affect cholesterol level such as statins, fibrates, steroids should not be taken during fasting if a lipid profile is to be done. Also, it should be an overnight fast and not during the day. If someone is on lipid lowering medication that should be consumed on previous day/night.