
Can a low lying placenta migrate during pregnancy?

Q: My wife is 4 months pregnant. This month we scanned and the doctor said the placenta is in the lower part, while it should have been in the upper part. Are there any chances that the placenta would go to the upperpart as the uterus grows. If so, then by which month can we expect it to go up? Can she travel in this situation or should she take rest? Can she do yoga exercises? Which month would be adviseable to scan again? Will this affect normal delivery?

A:Yes, the placenta can migrate up till about 26-28 weeks of pregnancy. Yes, she can travel provided the journey is not physically tiring though it would be wise to be in the vicinity of your obstetrician. No, she does not need extra rest. Yes, she can do yoga exercises permitted during pregnancy, though if I were you, I would not stretch my luck too far. A repeat scan would be advisable at 6-7 months of pregnancy. Delivery mode would depend on the position of the foetus.