Can a hepatitis B patient get married?
Consultant Gastroenterologist,
Wisconsin, USA
Q: My age is 29 years. I developed hepatitis B infection about five years ago but had no jaundice and the reports showed: *HBsAg - positive *HBeAg - positive *HBVDNA - positive I was then treated with interferon injections (80 vials)and Bonliv tablets which continued till three years back. Last year I developed jaundice which was severe. The blood results were: *HBsAg - positive *HBeAg - positive *HBVDNA - positive After taking tablets like Lamivir, Lovanthin forte and Udiliv, my SGPT & SGOT were just above normal and the bilirubin level was controlled. The doctor asked me to continue with Lamivir tablets and also advised against getting married. My doubts are - can I get married? Can I do exercise (this is my joy)? Can the hepatitis - B be controlled? What kind of diet can I have without risk? What is meant by HBVDNA and whether it has anything to do with Blood DNA structure? What is your medical advice?
A:You can get married but there is a good chance of you passing the hepatitis Bto your partner. Recommended telling her the truth, immunising her against Hepatitis B before sexual relations and using condoms.You can exercise but do not drink alcohol. A new medicine called Hepsera is available in US and maybe soon in Indian market. Get yourself checked for Delta hepatitis.