
Can a diabetic eat sprouted pulses?

Q: My mother aged around 53 years is a chronic diabetes patient. She is suffering since 10 years. These days, she is becoming quite weak. I would like to clarify whether she can take sprouted cereals like yellow gram, chana, etc daily in the morning. And if she can, would there be any other side effects / disorders? What quantity of cereals can she take daily?

A:Your mother can definitely consume sprouted daals and chana as this will also add some fibre to her diet. The only reason to be careful is in case she gets gas by consuming these as in case with most older people. She can consume 1 bowl (around 100 gm) of sprouted daal or chana or she can take lesser amounts of daals and add some tomato, onion and cucumber that will make it more healthy and palatable.