
Can a child vaccinated with MMR develop measles?

Prof HPS Sachdeva
Prof HPS Sachdev,
Senior Consultant Pediatrics,
Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research,
New Delhi

Q: My two years old son got measles for two days. However, he was vaccinated with MMR at 10 months of age. Is it possible that a child who has been vaccinated with MMR develop measles?

A:There are several fevers with rash, which can mimic measles. Thus, we are not sure that your child had measles - the only confirmatory proof would have been relevant measles serology during the acute infective phase. Let us assume that the child had definite measles infection. The chances of developing acute measles infection within one year of a potent measles vaccine are reported to be below 3 per cent. If the storage cold chain has been adequately adhered to, it would be unfair to blame the doctor for this infection.