
Back pain

Hansa Kanuga
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,

Q: I had back pain for 4 years as a result of which I had surgery for L4/L5 disc. Howerver the pain did not disappear. there is constant pain which have aggravated towards the upper region of spine. I have tried ayurvedic massage and spa treatment but little comfort.Is there any cure for such type of problems.

A:It is difficult to say there could be a cure for your kind of ailment, but since you know the aggravating factors (mental tension), you could learn relaxation from a good yoga teacher and practice it. The most important thing is to prevent its occurrence. Continue the exercise programme and ergonomic advice. Maintenance of correct posture during rest as well as during work. Avoiding the postural attitudes likely to induce excessive stress. Regaining the maximum strength of thoracic muscles.What to do when there is a further recurrence of pain:Pain reducing modalities like hydrocollator packs, ice massage, relaxation techniques and rest with proper posture.Specific exercise programme, which gave you relief at the earlier episode, should be gently introduced.Any posture or exercise causing excessive pain should be totally eliminated.Avoid one constant posture for a long time even if it gives relief.I hope these tips help you overcome your problem.